The following is the analysis of views, comments and suggestions taken from the people who support Ekal and Akujah. Let start by me, I am a supporter of Protus Akujah and Dr. Ekal Imana despite of me from Turkana Central District. Am a Turkana and I am proud of being a Turkana whereby Turkana is my nature and my colour no man can change unless God do.
The following views demonstrated great atrocity of being at the back of the these two people despite of what is know on the ground whereby Dr. Ekal Imana is becoming a threat to some people and his presence is like lighting fire at their sits. But all in all change must be expected and that’s why I is as a journalist .
“Life must go on Rebellion with or without rain. The end of the tunnel is our target, the rest is noise & it can’t stop us from fulfilling our mission here in Loima and turkana county this round ever.”
These are the message from the members, followers and supports
'He who knows nothing and knows he knows nothing, he is a scholar; teach him. He who knows nothing and thinks he knows something, he is a fool; shun him. He who knows something and thinks he knows nothing, he is unsure; enlighten him. He who knows something and knows he knows something, he is wise; follow him' Bruce Lee
I hope i will not be crucified! I have not mentioned anyone in bad light in public. Those who know what its means to be brief call such crime 'character assassination’. I hope i have not done such kind of atrocity. I stand to be corrected. treat your innocent people?...let the Tornados rein on them,we will not cry as they do not cry for us...what new things can Munyes and Ekwee do for the county if for 15 years they helped deliver nothing this time round they are seeking more leadership come 2012.God redeem your people from the wrath of their irresponsible deeds and give us new leaders with fresh minds and hearts geared at the plight of the poor and not what we see from the duo. Your people have suffered enough that these times deliver them the York of their rule.
Ok, once again Dr. Ekal Imana is a man who I never saw, never felt his presence, but we have talked in facebook twice, but to this point when I am giving this analysis we have not talked but protus we talk in different in occasions despite of network problem my witness is your brother Pastor Peter Eroo. Do you know what made me go crazy over the him? was when he was answering questions of people from all corners confidence which made me to like him. I Am proud of you brother.
One of the great supporters of Dr. Ekal Imana gave the following list of ideas:-
1. Education.
2. Security.
3. Infrastructure.
4. Better medicare.
5. Food security.
6. Clean tap water.
7. Accountability n transparency of funds.
These are Dr. Ekal's agenda for the Turkana people, we need to hear such things personally from the aspirants, not from the 'eaters.' we need to get something from their talk- sincerity, frankness, hw hurt by our grievances they are, vision, credibility of their agendas..we need to look at them straight in the eyes n employ the use of a truth meter! Aspirants shouldn't romour around coz Turkana is more important than a 'clique of eaters.' they shud rather come in person(s).
Dr. Ekal, i got utmost respect for u sir. Am bitter with past failed regimes driven by oddities n i was juz trynna get hw u'r gonna go about a prof'l, i got a soft spot for u buh t comes with no guarantee..only hw ryt u'll do things will. To vie for any office of ur choice in the land is ur const'l right n no one's gonna deny u that. hw shud we be ranked the poorest?it's mind-blowin brother!
Eti tumeambia tufungue macho, tusije tukaansa kublem wale tutawachagua kama ilivyo desturi tangu jadi. Ningewaomba vijana wenzangu muwe maakini au waangalifu. Ekal u impressed me especialy when you didn't buy beer to the students i.e a x-ristic of a good leader who will not want drunkard society. Keep it up.
Kitechess Eagle
Andrew, I just read through all these messages and now realize you were addressing me. I am still in the dark as to the question. I understand you are in Isiolo and you are under attack. Without knowing the question and based on some snippets of information I saw in reading people's comments, in my view:
1. Turkana people are Turkana regardless of where they are in the world.
2. Turknana people in Isiolo, Baragoi, Loyangalani, Nyahururu, Mogotio, Kitale, wherever, have the right to live there permanently if they choose to. They are on Kenyan soil and are entitled to live where they choose. It is therefore illegal for anybody to harass Turkana people who may be living in other districts. However, it is the job of the government to ensure that all citizens are safe wherever they are.
3. As of now, and as I have said many times, I am not a politician and do not want to be one. I am a private citizen, a teacher by profession. I cannot therefore help you and our people in Isiolo politically.
4. If you need help, of a political nature, I advise that you contact the polticians, namely: Hon. Munyes, Hon. Ethuro, and Hon. Nanok. These three people are legitimate politicians. Turkana electorate vested political power on them. They are the ones who are in a position to help politically.
5. If there is another way you need my help, outside politics, I am here.
6. My name is Dr. Ekal loa Imana. I am not and cannot be like anybody else. So, please, do not compare me with anybody else. Judge me on my own merit.
7. Niajokon.
Thank you very much Daktari,i do appreciate your taking time to look into some issues that i have been addressing,you are the person that i do believe will bring change to the Turkana community at large,these are some of the problems that need to be addressed as sson as you enter into politics.Now that you are preparing to venture out there i cant help but wonder why the hostility towards you,we have had cases where individuals are attacked due to issues that are relevant but this attacks are not warranted,I have read through all the arguments,but they are all gas,by the way i dont consider Ekwee,Munyes,Nanok as the leaders of the Turkana community.We need leaders who can be able to address issues like insecurity,lack of access to education,medical care etc,that is the kind of leader that we want,give us that and we shall beforeve gratefull
Thanks for coming through and thanks for your mature comments. When I say that the three gentlemen I listed are the people to contact on current political issues, I mean it factually. As of now, like it or not, these are our members of parliament, officially elected and recognized as such by law. So, till the elections are here, and we reelect them, or elect new members, they are our representatives. We cannot deny that fact.
My agenda, if I step in the governors seat, includes all those things you mentioned and more. Security is number one on my agenda followed immediately by education. I believe that education is the key to many of our problems. I need to be sitting down with you to expound on this point. I also know that no development can take place without security. If people are afraid, they cannot do anything developmental. They run at the slightest hint of danger. I therefore want secure borders, both international and inter-tribal. I want all Kenyan groups to co-exist without butchering each other. I want to have a talk with Boran leadership in Isiolo and leadership in other places where Turkana people reside. In the Isiolo case, I want to hear what Boran leadership want us to do with the Boran who reside in Turkana, especially if they cannot accomodate the Turkana in Isiolo. I am sure both sides will see sense and let people be. I have many other issues, political, social, educational, etc. about Turkana people who reside in other districts. However, I need a legitimate platform to concretize my thoughts and put them in action. For now, I am just a private citizen, just helplessly watching all these ugly things happening to our people and not able to step in. So, Mr. Ilere, I endure, like many other Turkanas, the same pain you endure at seeing all the injustices inflicted on our people.
I am happy one of your supporters has just called me to inform that you have blocked me or even removed me from your site Ekal Imana itemokino ekicholong lo a senator alo Turkana (2012). That is good! But I am still on this your site! Think again.....I am sure Lokaru cannot remove me because he understood my line of thought but you did it because you couldn't understand anything from me!. You can re4move me from this as well but remember my questions will still remain: What different will you bring to change Turkana? How do you want it changed? What mechanisms will you bring that will be different to achieve your goal(s)? Timeline of each achievement? And finally what happened to your family back in Turkana, why did you disown them? If you could disown your family, what can make me think, you will disown the community and turn all the benefits to American woman? Kituburut sua ngican kus, when given this seat, you turn and start marrying from all over and leave our sisters devastated. You are one of those am sure! Remove me from your site if you like but ngiturkana ngon and we shall meet. What do I have against you when I do not even want to be a governor for real? Get your feelings right so that you can be seen different from what you seem to show all of us including your supporters.
Take note of what Michael Ekunyuk said about some of those who clap for you. Bunch of sycophants that might not help you at all but the choice is yours 'father'. If you must have to call people thieves, why have you not called who stole maize at broad daylight thieves? Because you swim in the same line, your senator, your members of parliament you want to support, etc..etc....Esaki ituan daang ake kura meere iyong bon. Apiaro ka Ekisil toyei nikon. I just hope you change your attitude 'father'. Bye Bye!!
The following is the replies from dr. ekal imana whom was highly concerned of turkana community in turkana county this is what he said.
Oh my, Thanks for your comments, except you forgot to write in full sentences. I am a different person, not related to those past regimes. I am therefore going to do things differently. However, to understand and appreciate what I have in mind (what you are asking me to elucidate), you have to be my homonclus. That way, you would be privy to my thinking processes. You would then understand what I intend to do. Since that is not possible, the next best thing is to arrrange for a meeting at which we would discuss issues at length. I would need ample space, not available on facebook, to explain to you everything I have in mind. For now, take it from me, I have the best intentions for our motherland and it will not be like anything you have seen in the last so many years.
Ekai, Omy, I have been down this path before and got disappointed. I prefer a fair and sincere discussion without threats. What I see here is more threats of my "elect-ability will sum to zero from this region ----". If this is where we are headed, why should I even try? You already have a stand. I cannot change your mind. Your questions above are directed to the wrong individual. I am not the sitting MP or anything. I am just a private citizen like you with a dream. Until that dream is a reality, I am not the one to answer your questions.
I will start by thanking my volunteer Oliver Lowoton. Thanks for taking your time to enlighten me a little bit. I am pretty aware that those insulting me here are simply minions that are paid to parrot for their cowardly masters. I am also pretty aware that I am being taken advantage of because I am far away from these parrots. Since they do not know me, they just think they can get away with their impunity.
So, I think, they are just blindly parroting on till they day I surprise them. As am reading your contribution here, I wonder who the senator or governor candidate is behind all these attacks. Who is shelling out the money? Ekwee, Lotesiro, know me in person. I do not expect them to stoop this low. I hear there are other people out there whom I do not know, they may be the ones involved in these cowardly acts. I have certain suspicions however, but I would like to research first and completely be sure who the boss of these parrots is. This is the guy I want to confront one on one. If he thinks he is worth electibility, he should not be hiding behind his minions.
A guy that attacks by hiding behind others has no leadership in him. I do not even know how anybody can respect such a cowardly hyena. I notice the language used by some of these minions is familiar. A certain candidate, who thinks he owns Turkana politcal positions, has been going around insulting me using these same utterances. I suspect this guy. My people have already talked to him and he promised them that he would stop the childish insults.
If I find out it is him, I will have a talk with him. Of course given the character of this individual, I will not be surprised if he is the one that has resorted to these low-down tactics. Thanks also for pointing out that this childish brand of politics is the order of the day over there. I was wondering why the parroting minions would not understand when I told them that their childish antics were not acceptable. So, in their minds, they believed they were involved in politics. i am afraid it is going to be rough on me because I am not the abusing type.
I cannot bring myself to insulting somebody's mother the way these guys are insulting mine. This is the way some people are and I am not this type. I will therefore expect more of these insults and will think of away to cope. So, while expecting the insults to intensify, I need to know who the boss is. I need to know the one paying Lonoko, Ekiwanja, Bruno and others. I have a strong suspicion who it is, but I would like to hear what you think. Please do give me this information through this site or through my e-mail ( I'd rather deal with the cowardly boss himself. I am appealing to other friends to do the same. Give me the name of the one paying those insulting me by way of this site or by e-mail. I appreciate your effort and time.
Finally Dr Ekal Imana closes the list of comments and views addressed to him By Saying
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